Judy is a nudist living in a nudist resort. She is naked and relaxing on her porch. What Judy doesn’t realize is that her grandson is watching her every move and rubbing his cock through his pants. For years he’s been infatuated with his step grandmother. Judy and his granddad divorced 3 years ago but Brad and Judy have stayed in contact. Now that he lives near her and going to college they see a lot of each other. He came over today to pick up a book he left at her house when he saw her through a window. Brad’s cock got hard immediately and he had to touch himself. Judy left the recliner and started to water her plants and yard. Brad’s eyes followed her every movement. He ached to touch her big tits and imagined himself driving his hard cock into her. Brad was lost in his fantasies when Judy saw him in the doorway. Judy was startled at first but soon she was amused. She could see Brad’s huge bulge in his shorts and she really wanted to see his cock. She grabs Brad’s hand and leads him over to a chair. Judy laughs as she takes her stepson’s cock out of his pants. Judy begins to suck and stroke Brad until a Hard 7 inch cock was before her. Judy mounted her son and impaled herself on his manhood bounced up and down on his stiff organ and loved it. She bent over the chair, lit up another cigarette and had Brad fuck her while she smoked. Brad couldn’t hold off any longer. He pulled out of Judy’s pussy and shot a nice big load into his grandmothers mouth.
Format: wmv
Resolution: 1280 x 720
Duration: 00:25:08
Size: 450 Mb